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Fast, Gentle and Precise — Confidently Dive into Cell Sorting with the MA900

The MA900 Multi-Application Cell Sorter from Sony performs a variety of sorting applications, supporting 12 fluorescence parameters and 4-way sorting. Patented microfluidics chip-based design, comprehensive fluidic controls, and microsensors deliver the highest level of automation to simplify operation. Intelligent software makes sorting less subjective, improves reliability, and promotes workflow efficiency to expand your laboratory's capacity.

Automated Cell Sorting for all Laboratories with the MA900 Cell Sorter

Innovative, modern capabilities packed into the MA900 system offer application flexibility from multicolor immunophenotyping to single-cell analysis. This compact benchtop system meets the budget, working to meet the needs of busy laboratories. Users of all experience levels can walk up to the MA900 cell sorter and easily sort their applications.


  • Configured with four lasers, the MA900 Cell Sorter delivers the flexibility of detecting up to 14 parameters.
  • Guided software workflows ensure that users at varying levels of expertise can operate the system and successfully sort at any time of the day.
  • Microfluidics chips of different sizes—70 µm, 100 µm, and 130 µm—can be used for sorting at high throughput and under gentle sorting conditions into 4-way tubes and plates.
Read about high-throughput sorting of a 10-color T cell panel using the MA900
Explore a vast range of published MA900 applications
Experience the MA900 system
Talk to your Sony representative for more information on the MA900 Multi-Application Cell Sorter.
© Sony Biotechnology Inc. 1730 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95112 USA