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Hero shot of the Sony FP7000 Spectral Cell Sorter
The FP7000 Spectral Cell Sorter is designed to serve your scientific research and keep you at the forefront of high parameter applications. Using advanced Sony spectral technology, robust fluidics, and state-of-the art electronics, the FP7000 delivers superior resolution, sensitivity, and high-speed performance to enable you to explore cellular heterogeneity, map new cell phenotypes, and sort rare cell subsets from heterogenous populations.
Learn how the FP7000 meets the needs of busy laboratories pursuing simple to complex high-parameter applications
Discover how Sony is meeting the evolving needs in immunology, cell biology and oncology

Explore what you can do. Request more information about the FP7000 Spectral Cell Sorter.

© Sony Biotechnology Inc. 1730 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95112 USA